Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dietary trans-fatty acids and metabolic syndrome.

Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online). 2010 Dec 27;64:650-8.

Dietary trans-fatty acids and metabolic syndrome.

Katedra i Zakład Biochemii, Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny.


Trans-fatty acids (TFAs), products of partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils, have become more prevalent in our diet since the 1960s, when they replaced animal fats. TFAs also occur naturally in meat and dairy products from ruminants. There is growing evidence that dietary trans-fatty acids may increase the risk of metabolic syndrome. Several studies have demonstrated adverse effects of TFAs on plasma lipids and lipoproteins. In dietary trials, trans-fatty acids have been shown to raise the total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio and Lp(a) levels in blood. Moreover, a high intake of TFAs has been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Prospective cohort studies have shown that dietary trans-fatty acids promote abdominal obesity and weight gain. In addition, it appears that TFA consumption may be associated with the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The documented adverse health effects of TFAs emphasise the importance of efforts to reduce the content of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in foods.

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1 comment:

  1. 1) There is growing evidence that dietary trans-fatty acids may increase the risk of metabolic syndrome
    2)Several studies have demonstrated adverse effects of TFAs on plasma lipids and lipoproteins.
    3) In dietary trials, trans-fatty acids have been shown to raise the total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio and Lp(a) levels in blood.
    4)Moreover, a high intake of TFAs has been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
    5)Prospective cohort studies have shown that dietary trans-fatty acids promote abdominal obesity and weight gain.
    6)In addition, it appears that TFA consumption may be associated with the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
    7)The documented adverse health effects of TFAs emphasise the importance of efforts to reduce the content of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in foods.
